Every economic activity is based on two components: effort and reward. However, rent is the income derived from possessions. Rentier is the individual, entity, or collectivity that extracts the reward from renting his possession instead of actively participating in economic activity. A rentier state derives its income exclusively/predominantly from external rent; even though every economy is […]
Saat On İkiyi Beş Geçiyordu
Turkish Original English Translation Saat On İkiyi Beş Geçiyordu It was five past midnight’s knell Zaman, can çekişirken, As time laid gasping, in the throes of death Akrep yelkovan, arasında; Caught between the dance of hour and minute hand Bir adım öteye gidemezken geceden, The night arrested, taking no further step, Ay, ışığını çekerken sinesine, […]
Yusuf’u kaybettim Kenan ilinde Yusuf bulunur, Kenan bulunmaz Bu akl’ı fikr ile Leyla bulunmaz Bu ne yaredir ki çare bulunmaz
“One, who regards himself as a member of the Turkish nation, should first of all and in every case, speak Turkish.” ― Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Atatürk “Jews are creatures who possess the capacity to adapt to their respective environments.” ― Marsel Franko, President of the Lay Council of the Chief Rabbinate and of the […]
This (no so-good) policy paper was written as a requirement for POLS 328 – Theories of International Relations course offered by Asst. Professor Ismail Yaylaci, during my sophomore year at Istanbul Şehir University. Executive Summary: As the current ideal policy is failing to bring about any good, Turkey needs more rational and real Egypt policy that […]
Some of the few major issue areas are discussed below. National Identity: Ottoman Empire contained a diverse population with multitude of lingual, ethnics and religious affiliations. This diversity was a product of the vast territory that Ottomans controlled – held together by the virtue of Islamic identity of the Empire. After the fall of […]