Natural disasters are increasingly overlapping with ongoing conflicts creating what scholars call dual disasters. However, these disasters also create’windows of opportunity’for the government and the rebels to take unprecedented actions. While the existing literature focuses on how governments deal with natural disasters, the rebel response to such exogenous shocks remains an understudied area. We seek […]
It is my second blog in the series on graduate education in the USA. I previously wrote an introductory post on the idea of graduate school: accessible here. I am also compelled to state that this guide is based on my personal experience as an applicant to various political science graduate programs, so it is best […]
Admission season has already kicked off, and my friends have started asking me questions about the graduate programs in the USA that I wish I knew the answers to before I applied. This blog post is the first in a series of posts on the process of preparation, selection, and admission to the (political/social sciences) […]
Ne aşk olaydı, ne aşık, ne nazlı afet olaydı, Ne halk olaydı, ne halık, ne aşk-ı hasret olaydı. Ne dert olaydı, ne derman, ne sûr olaydı, ne matem, Ne aşiyane-i vuslat, ne bari-firkat olaydı. Gönülde nur-i muhabbet, gözümde perde-i zulmet… Ne nur olaydı, ne zulmet, ne böyle hılkat olaydı. Nedir bu hilkat-i bi-merhamet, bu perdeli […]
Şenlik dağıldı bir acı yel kaldı bahçede yalnız O mahur beste çalar Müjgan’la ben ağlaşırız Gitti dostlar şölen bitti ne eski heyecan ne hız Yalnız kederli yalnızlığımız da sıralı sırasız O mahur beste çalar Müjgan’la ben ağlaşırız
There exist multiple parallel realities that render a single deterministic approach to the analysis of power, politics and society futile. Postcolonialism is the approach that recognizes the vitalities of alternative and subaltern perspectives to the analysis of politics among the states. This approach relies heavily on the historical experiences and grievances of the colonized people […]