Academic Articles English Blog

5 issue areas confronted by the Republic of Turkey during Atatürk years

Some of the few major issue areas are discussed below. National Identity:             Ottoman Empire contained a diverse population with multitude of lingual, ethnics and religious affiliations. This diversity was a product of the vast territory that Ottomans controlled – held together by the virtue of Islamic identity of the Empire. After the fall of […]

Academic Articles English Blog

The legacy of the Ottoman Empire on Turkish Foreign Policy

Legacy is the selective cluster of events, incidents, memories, structures that have profound impact on the contemporary behavior of an entity.[1] Ottoman Empire – in this regards – has produced myriads of such elements, which have direct or indirect contributions to Turkish Foreign Policy formulation. Contrary to that, many variables has either been updated or […]

Türkçe Blog

İtirazım Var – Vaaz Sahnesi

İhtiyaçtan fazla mal haramdır, hırsızlıktır. Altın ve gümüş, yoksullar üzerinde hegemonya kurmak için kullanılıyor. İnfak edilmiyor. Mülkte şirk koşuluyor. Kırkta bir diye bir şey tutturulmuş gidiyor. Komşusu açken tok yatmamak için zengin mahallelerine taşınanlar var. Peki sokaktaki açtan, yoksuldan haberiniz var mı?

Türkçe Blog Turkish Poetry

Resulullahla Benim Aramdaki Farklar – Ah Muhsin Ünlü

Resulullah süper bir insandı, ben o kadar değilim, Resulullah yolda Ebu Bekir’i görse ‘es selamu aleyküm ya Sıddık’ derdi, Ben yolda Ebu Bekir’i görsem tanımam. Resulullah asla yalan söylemezdi; ben annem ölürken hiç ağlamadım. Ben annem ölürken çok ağladım çünkü annem Gırtlağından hırıltılar çıkarırken nasıl terliyordu, görmeliydiniz.

Critical Articles English Blog

Was the Rise of Neoliberalism the Root Cause of Extreme Inequality?

Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name. Mention it in conversation and you’ll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it. Neoliberalism: do you […]

Academic Articles English Blog

The night of an unsuccessful coup

None of us knew what was upon us! My friend was in an unusual melancholy like something unpleasant was about to happen. We received a phone call at 22:36. A friend – in panic – told us to stay put. She suggested that there was a probable terrorist attack around Üsküdar and consequent military mobilization to […]